
Privacy Policy

General Terms

  1. Subject of the General Terms and Conditions

Art. 1. The following General Terms and Conditions regulate the relations between Ink Publishing House Ltd., with registered seat and management address: Sofia, Mladost 1, 91, ent.4, ap.62

(hereinafter referred to as “Company” or “we”), and all users of Company websites.

Art. 2. Company website www.70yearsf1.com and its other websites (hereinafter referred to as “the websites”) are all websites owned by Company, including their subdomains and / or directories, which constitute a separate place on the Internet, accessible through its own unified address ( URL) over HTTP, HTTPS or another standardized protocol and containing files, software, programs, text, sound, picture, video, image and any other materials, resources or objects (hereinafter referred to as “content”).

Art. 3. (1) Through the use of our sites, users have the opportunity to access the information published on the sites, watch any of the programs uploaded on the sites in real time or on video archive, receive information about Company products and services or about activities and initiatives undertaken or supported by us, access to blogs of persons related to any of the Company sites and / or programs , the possibility to publish materials and / or comments in connection with the content published on the sites and other possibilities specified by Company. The type and specifics of the possibilities for using the websites of Company can be changed unilaterally at the discretion of Company.

(2) The users have the right to use the sites only for personal use, with a non-profit purpose, in and outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The content of the Internet sites, available on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and abroad, is determined by Company depending on the specific technical conditions and opportunities available for the respective territory.

Art. 4. For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions “materials” are audio-visual works, text, comments, information, publicist works, video, graphic and photographic images, sound, music and any other data, resources or objects published by users on the Company websites.

Art. 5. (1) These General Terms and Conditions regulate the conditions under which Company provides users with the opportunities for them to use the sites, whilst the users are obliged to use them in compliance with the applicable law and the requirements specified in these General Terms and Conditions.

(2) When using the sites, users are obliged to not violate the rights and interests of third parties and to not engage in malicious actions.

  1. Terms of use of the sites

Art. 6. (1) These General Terms and Conditions apply to the relations with users, who have entered the site through the use if their Facebook account (“registered users”) and to the relations with users, who have not registered on the sites (“unregistered users”). The users of the sites accept and are to comply with the General Terms and Conditions. With each use of services and resources on any of the sites, including the opening of a website through the sites, as well as by clicking on an electronic link from the title or any other website on the sites, users state that they are familiar with these General conditions, agree with them and comply with them.

(2) We have the right to unilaterally amend and supplement the General Terms and Conditions, and when making such a change.

Art. 7. All use of our site is free of charge and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24×7), by all users.

Art. 8. The use of the site shall be carried out without the need for preliminary registration by the users, excluding the cases, stated in paragraph 2 of this article.

Art. 9. Any use of the contents of the sites by it’s users, including recording, copying, publishing, reproducing, distributing, broadcasting, transmitting and retransmitting on an electronic communications network, publishing on the Internet, public display, processing or use in any other way outside the content of the sites specified in these General Terms and Conditions, can only be done with the expressed permission of the Company.

III. Rights and obligations of the parties

Art. 10. (1) By publishing materials and / or comments on any of the Company sites, and pressing the “Submit” button, a user guarantees and declares that the comments and materials do not violate the requirements of the applicable law and Company, described in Art. 12 and 13 of these General Terms and Conditions, and assumes responsibility for the published content.

Art. 11. (1) Company retains the right to refuse the approval of publishing on the site, or delete user comments if they:

  1. contain obscene words or expressions, as well as any forms of insults, that tarnish the norms of morality;
  2. contain texts that incite or incite to cruelty, violence, committing a crime or other offense, contain a threat aimed at the health of third parties or suggest intolerance towards other citizens;
  3. advertise the use of drugs, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and tobacco products;
  4. humiliate the honor or dignity of another, disclose a disgraceful circumstance about another or attribute to someone the committing of a crime;
  5. contain insults on religious grounds;
  6. tarnish the good name of a specific person;
  7. contain national, political, ethnic, religious, racial, gender or other discrimination, or contain racist issues, agitation or incitement to racist acts and / or insults to minorities;
  8. contain links to sites that pirate the content of the sites, or the content of any other site, or links to sites that contain comments outlined in this Article;
  9. endanger the physical, mental or moral development of minors and juveniles;
  10. disclose state, official, trade secret or other secret protected by the law;
  11. violate in any way norms of the current legislation.

(2) The application and interpretation of the points under the preceding paragraph shall be carried out entirely at our, and consumers are not be entitled to claims in regards to their application.

Art. 12. (1) The content of the site shall be determined by us. We have the right to change the content of its sites at any time, adding and / or removing sections or materials at its discretion.

(2) We have the right to change the parameters and characteristics of its sites, to change the conditions and possibilities for their use, to suspend or terminate their use, to provide use for new Internet sites or to close existing ones. These General Terms and Conditions shall apply in the relations between the parties and in the cases referred to in this paragraph.

Art. 13. (1) Users have the right to request information, regarding the terms of use of the sites.

(2) Users have the right to notify us of any problems found by them related to the use of the site  (including errors, technical difficulties, users’ right violations or third parties, etc.).

Art. 14. (1) Users agrees that we have the right to collect, process, use and store data and information through which they can be identified, incl. username, e-mail address, date of birth, gender and any other information that users enter, use and provide during registration under Art. 8, para. 2, according to art. 10, para. 9 or in any other way when using the sites, according to these General Terms and Conditions, in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act, GDPR and other applicable legislation.

(2) At the request of a competent authority, we shall have the right to provide personal information in relation to its consumers at its disposal.

(3) In order to avoid any doubt, the materials and their content shall not be considered as personal data.

  1. Responsibilities

Art. 15. (1) The site is subject to copyright and it’s related rights, and contain subjects of said rights.

(2) The site contain information, materials, functions, etc., content that is a subject to copyright and it’s related rights, and contains subjects of such rights, as well as subjects of industrial property. Names of legal entities and sole traders, trademarks, logos, trademarks, names of products and services and other similar protected rights may be presented on the site through the consent of their recipients.

(3) The use of the site, in violation of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions may not only violate the agreements between users and the Company, but may also constitute a violation of the rights of sites, subject to foreign intellectual and / or industrial property, as well as other legally protected rights and legitimate interests of  the Company and / or third parties. For each violation under this article, the respective user takes at his own expense the full responsibility – be it civil, administrative-criminal or criminal, and of all compensation payments, imposed by the competent authority, to the affected persons.

  1. Miscellaneous

Art. 16. All correspondence between the Company and its users, in relation to the use of the sites is through the use of electronic messages. The e-mail address of Company, used for correspondence with users on issues related to the content of the site is [email protected]

Art. 17. All disputes between Company and it’s users in regards to the use of the sites are resolved through negotiations, agreements between the parties, and if this proves impossible, either party may refer the dispute to the competent court based in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Art. 18. (1) All issues not settled in these General Terms and Conditions, shall adhere to the provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria.

(2) In the case certain provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are duly recognized as invalid, this invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of the General Terms and Conditions, which shall remain in force and shall apply in the relations between the parties.

Art. 19. (1) These General Terms and Conditions, as well as future amendments to the General Terms and Conditions, shall also apply to the existing registered users as of the date they come into force. Registered users have the opportunity to declare within 7 days from the date coming into force of the relevant amendment that they reject the changes in the General Terms and Conditions, by sending a message to Company’s email address.

If a statement rejecting the changes is not received by the Company, the consumer is considered to be bound by them. In case of a statement by a registered user, disagreeing with these General Terms and Conditions or with subsequent amendments, Company has the right to immediately suspend the access of the respective user to his user profile and terminate his registration.

By using this site, you agree to the General Terms of Use of the site.

Company shall not be responsible for the content of comments posted by users on the Company server.

No part of the materials on this site may be reproduced or used without the express written consent of the Company.


What are cookies?

A cookie is short text of information sent to your browser from a website you visit. It helps the site remember information about your visit and your settings. This can make your next visit easier and make the site more useful for you.

Cookies are used for many purposes – to remember your preferences and settings regarding layout, font and language of the site, or to offer you ads, relevant to your interests, keep statistics of number of visits to a page, site recognition, as in  “remembering” “that you are logged in, etc.

Types of cookies

Session Cookies

Session cookies allow you to be recognized during a single visit to the website, so that personalizations or changes made on each page can be registered on other pages of the site. Session cookies are temporary and always expire when you close your browser, or exit the site.

Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies remain stored on your computer for a period of time, after ending each user session on the site, which allow your preferences and settings to be “remembered” every time you visit the site.

Third Party Cookies

These are cookies used for storing information, in regards to reporting on site performance and ads, through the use of  demographics, interests, session duration, etc. This site uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service, without personally identifying individual visitors, and is offered by Google, Inc. All of this information is used by us for statistical purposes only, and identifying wrong links or programming errors. Disclosing information to third parties is prohibited and therefore, not performed. Cookies are not used for any other purposes, other than the ones listed here.

How to control cookies

You can control and / or delete cookies whenever you wish. For more information, visit AllAboutCookies.org. You can delete all, or only selected, cookies that are already stored on your computer, and most browsers can be set to block them. However, doing this, may require manual adjusting for some settings each time you visit a site, and some services and features may not work as a result of tampering.

Privacy and Data Protection Policy

Mandatory information on the rights of individuals for the protection of personal data

Information about the company administrator, proceeding the data:

Administrator: Ink Publishing House Ltd.

UIC: 204919348,

with registered seat and management address:

Sofia, Mladost 1, 91, ent.4, ap.62

The administrator company is established in the Republic of Bulgaria and you can contact us at:

Address: Sofia, Mladost 1, 91, ent.4, ap.62

Phone: +359 878 176 140

Email: [email protected]

Information concerning the competent supervisory authority for the protection of personal data

Title: Commission for the Protection of Personal Data

Seat and address of management: Sofia 1592, Blvd. “Prof. Tsvetan Lazapov “№ 2

Address for correspondence: гp. Sofia 1592, Blvd. “Prof. Tsvetan Lazapov “№ 2

Phone: 02 915 3 518

Through the site www.70yearsf1.com (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator or Admin) implements its activities in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Data of 2016 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC. The purpose of this information is to inform you about all the aspects of processing your personal data by the Company and the rights you have in connection with it.

Basis for collecting, processing and storing your personal data

  1. The administrator collects and processes personal data of the users, relating to the use of the site www.zinzin.bg and concluding contracts, in conjunction with the company on the grounds of art. 6, para. 1, Parliament (EC) 2016/679 (GDPR) and, in particular, on the basis of the following:
  • Explicit consent received from the Users;
  • Fulfillment of the obligations of the Administrator under the contract;
  • Compliance with a legal obligation that applies to the Administrator;
  • For the purposes of the legitimate interests of the Administrator, or the third party;
  • Goals and principles relating to the collection, processing and containing of personal user data.
  1. The administrator collects and processes the personal data that users provide to him, regarding the use of the site and the signing of contracts with the company, including the following purposes:
  • Creating a registration and providing full functionality when using the site;
  • Concluding and executing a contract with and without registration;
  • Individualizing contract parties;
  • Accounting objectives;
  • Statistical objectives;
  • Protection of information security;
  • Ensuring the fulfillment of the contract for the provision of a relevant service.
  • Sending an information bulletin upon request;
  1. The controller shall adhere to the following principles in the processing of personal data:
  • Legality, good faith and transparency;
  • Restriction on the purpose of processing;
  • Correlation with the goals of the processing and minimization of the collected data;
  • Аccuracy and topicality of the data;
  • Restriction on compliance with the purpose of achieving the goals;
  • Integrity and confidentiality of the processing and guarantee of an appropriate level of personal data security.
  1. When processing and storing personal data, the Administrator may process and store personal data for the purpose of protecting the following legitimate interests:
  2. Types of personal data the Administrator collects, processes and stores:
  • Name and surname;
  • Email;
  • Gender;
  • Address;
  • Phone number;
  1. The administrator shall perform the following operations with personal data provided by the users for the following purposes:
  • Registering users on the site and executing all purchase and sale contracts from a distance: The purpose of this operation being the creation a registration for site use, with purpose of goods purchasing and data provision for the contact to perform the delivery.
  • Conclusion from the impact assessment: Based on the conducted impact assessment, the following operation, “User registration on the site and execution of purchase and sale contracts from a distance”, is permissible for performance, and provides sufficient guarantees for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the data subjects in accordance with the GDPR requirements.
  • Conducting and executing a trade deal with a client or partner: The purpose of this operation is concluding and executing a contract with a trade partner or client and the administration of said deal. Given the limited reach of the acquired personal data, and the fact that a number of them are being provided through the use of publicly available sources, when conducting an impact assessment, it is unnecessary to perform an impact assessment on the operation
  • Information bulletin (newsletter) dispatch: The purpose of this operation is to administer the process of sending newsletters to consumers who have stated their desire to receive such letters. Given the limitations of collecting personal data when conducting an impact assessment, it is unnecessary to perform an impact assessment.
  • Exercising the right to cancel or make a complaint: The purpose of this operation is to administer the process of exercising the right of cancellation or reclamation Given the limitations of collecting personal data when conducting an impact assessment, it is unnecessary to perform an impact assessment.
  • Fulfilling a regulatory obligation: An obligation to provide information to the Commission for Personal Data Protection, the Commission for Consumer Protection, the bodies of the National Revenue Agency in relation to the Administrator’s own obligations, arising from the Tax and Social Security Procedure Code, the Accounting Act and etc., providing information to judicial and investigative bodies, when the Administrator is obliged by law to do so.
  1. When processing personal data, the Administrator does not carry out profiling that would lead to legal consequences for users or otherwise affect them significantly.
  2. The administrator provides personal user data to partners for the purposes of delivering the ordered goods, implementing accounting services per users’ requests, the realization of legal claims and / or accepting other services or consultations.
  3. The Administrator does not entail for the personal user data to be shared outside the territory of the European Union.
  4. When registering on the site, using the option to register through the use of user accounts from other social networks, the Administrator will receive information about these profiles from their respected networks. The administrator is not responsible for the information available on these networks.
  5. The Administrator’s site uses the so-called Cookies for the purpose of providing full website functionality, improving the consumer experience, statistical purposes, and goals. Users may at any time control and / or delete the cookies through the use of their browser settings. Cookies do not constitute personal data and are not used to identify visitors and users of the site.
  6. The administrator collects personal user data for as long as the user profile exists on the site, and not post account termination. After a profile is deleted, the Administrator takes the necessary steps to delete and destroy all personal data without delay or to make said data anonymous. The Administrator collects personal data, acquired in connection to online purchases for the last 5 years, for the purpose of protecting the legal interests of the admins against claims issued by usersThe term limit for data collection must be extended in view of fulfilling a regulatory obligation or in view of legitimate interests held by the Administrator or otherThe Administrator shall hold all personal data, in accordance with the applicable legislation, for the respective provided period, which may extend the time of the registration on the site or until the completion of the order.
  7. Withdrawal of the personal data processing agreement

If the user does not wish for the personal data provided by him to be processed for marketing purposes and receive a newsletter, he may at any time withdraw the agreement for processing by completing the withdrawal form of the agreement, stated in Appendix 1, or through a request.

  1. Right of access

The user has the right to request and receive from the Administrator confirmation whether they process personal data related to him by sending a request in a free text. The user has the right to have access to the data related to him, as well as to the information related to the collection, processing and processing of data. Upon request, the administrator shall provide a copy of the processed personal data related to the user, in electronic or other appropriate form.

  1. Right of copying or filling

The user may at any time edit or fill out inaccurate or incomplete personal data related to him, directly by registering on the site or by sending a request to the Administrator, by using the format in Annex №4 or by submitting a request in free text.

  1. Right to be deleted (“to be forgotten”)

The user has the right to request from the Administrator the deletion of part or all personal data related to him, and the Administrator is obliged to delete it in an express manner, under the following circumstances:

  • personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed in other ways;
  • the user withdraws his agreement, on the basis of which the data processing is based and there is no other legal basis for the processing;
  • the user objects to the processing of personal data related to him, including for the purposes of direct marketing, and there are no legal grounds for the processing of the data;
  • personal data has been processed illegally;
  • personal data must be deleted in compliance with a legal obligation under the law of the EC or the law of the Member State to which it applies;
  • personal data was collected in connection with the provision of services to the information society.

In order to keep the right to be forgotten, it is necessary for the user to send an e-mail request for the erasure of his personal data, which the Administrator handles by completing the form in Annex №2 or by requesting in free text. The administrator will delete all data that it processes for the user upon request.

  1. Right to restriction

The user has the right to request from the Administrator to limit the processing of the data related to him by sending a request in free text by e-mail, when:

  • Challenging the accuracy of the personal data, in a time frame that allows the Administrator to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
  • The processing is illegal, but the user does not want the personal data to be deleted, but only it’s use to be limited;
  • The Administrator requires no more personal date for the purposes of processing, but the user is in need of them for the establishment, exercise or protection of a legal claim;
  • The user has objected to the process of verifying whether the Administrator’s legal grounds have precedence over the interests of the user.

The Administrator will stop processing the personal data upon request from the user.

  1. Right of portability

In case the provided an agreement for the processing of personal data or the processing is necessary for the performance of the contract with the Administrator, or if the data is being processed in an automated manner, the User has the right to:

  • Request from the Administrator to provide personal data in a comprehensible format and to transfer it to another Administrator;
  • Request from the Administrator to directly transfer personal data to a user-designated administrator, if technically feasible;

The user has the right to exercise the right to transfer by sending a completed form by email in accordance with Application №3, or a free-form request, after which the Administrator will send the user-specified email data, processed in XL format.

  1. The Right to receive information

The user may request from the Administrator to be informed about all the recipients, whose requested personal data regarding the correction, erasure or restriction of the processing has been disclosed. The administrator may refuse to provide such information if proved to be impossible or would require a large amount of effort.

  1. Right to appeal

The user may at any given time object to the processing of personal data by the Administrator relating to him, including if they are being processed for the purpose of profiling or direct marketing.

  1. Deadline for response

The Administrator is obliged to submit a response to the user without delay and in every case, within one month of receiving the request. If necessary, this period may be extended by a further two months, taking into account the complexity and number of requests. The administrator shall inform the user of any such extension within one month of request receipt, indicating the reasons for the delay.

  1. In the event of an infringement of consumer rights, in accordance to the aforementioned or applicable legislation for the protection of personal data, consumers have the right to users have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data, as follows:

Name: Commission for the Protection of Personal Data.

Seat and address of management: Sofia 1592,blvd. “Prof. Tsvetan Lazapov “№ 2

Address for correspondence: Sofia 1592, blvd. “Prof. Tsvetan Lazapov “№ 2

Phone: 02 915 3 518

Website: www.cpdp.bg.

The Administrator will regularly update this Privacy Policy in order to apply the most up-to-date measures for protection and compliance with applicable regulations. Users will have constant access to the current version of our Policy in order to be informed.

Appendix №1

Withdrawal form for processing purposes

Name *: …………………….

Your email that you used on the site *: …………………….

Feedback data (e-mail) *: …………………….




with registered office and address of management:

City. ……………, Street …………. ……………… ……………… ..

I hereby withdraw the agreement for the processing of personal data provided by me for the purposes of receiving newsletters, advertisements or other marketing materials, while being aware of the conditions for withdrawal of the agreement in accordance with the Mandatory information on the rights of the persons on the protection of the site.

Appendix №2

Request to be “forgotten” – to delete personal data related to the user

Name *: …………………….

Your email that you used on the site *: …………………….

Feedback data (e-mail) *: …………………….




with registered office and address of management:

City ……………, Street …………. ……………… ……………… ..

I request for all personal data that you collect, process and store, provided by me or by third parties who are related to me through the provided identification means, to be wiped off your Data Base.

I declare of being aware that part or all of my personal data may continue to be processed and managed by the Administrator for the purposes of fulfilling his legal obligations.

Appendix №3

Request for privacy of personal data

Name *: …………………….

Your email that you used on the site *: …………………….

Feedback data (e-mail) *: …………………….




with registered office and address of management:

  1. ……………, ul. …………. ……………… ……………… ..

I ask all personal data related to me, which is collected, processed and stored in your databases, to be sent in XML format to:

e-mail: …………………….

Admin – receiving data: …………………….

Name: …………………….

Identification number (UIC, BULCTAT, registration number in the CPDP): …………………….

Email: …………………….

Appendix №4

Demand for data correction

Name *: …………………….

Your email that you used on the site *: …………………….

Feedback data (e-mail) *: …………………….




with registered office and address of management:

  1. ……………, ul. …………. ……………… ……………… ..

Please correct the following personal data, provided by me or by third parties, related to me, which you collect, process, and save, as follows:

Data to be collected:


Please correct as follows:
